Höh, alkuviikosta lämpötila nousee +10:een. En saakkaan ottaa villatakkia kaapista. Uuniomenat on uunissa, pitäää kohta hakea ne pois sieltä. Nam! ^^ Ei näköjään irtoa mitään minusta tänään... ._.

"My gaze tied to you,
can't you see the fear in my eyes?
Lonely tear running on my cheek.
If the will put us asunder?
The connection between us,
there's no thing like that!
And I am desperate to have it,
I want to find you from my heart
and I want to find me from your eyes,
from your mind, deep inside,
too deep to escape.
But I know it's only wish
in my hopeless dreams.
Love can be a real pain,
because there is no bridges between us.
I want to build them,
can you, and will you help me?
You must have seen me, or so you think,
but I think you have a blind spot in your eye..."